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Focus for Mealtime Success: Age Brackets – OTA

FOCUS for Mealtime Success helps individuals with sensory and motor challenges who have eating difficulties develop successful mealtime patterns through compassionate care, systematic assessment of all underlying issues, and whole-body intervention and treatment. Many kids and adults experience eating difficulties brought on by physical, sensory, and environmental factors. We work with these individuals to overcome mealtime issues using the FOCUS Program, a systematic, whole-body approach to ensure proper nutritional, emotional, and social health and well-being. At FOCUS, comprehensive and family-centered assessment, treatment, and education are provided by occupational therapists that are highly-skilled in identifying and addressing the issues that trigger mealtime challenges. Click here to find out how to get started.

What makes us different?

  • FOCUS systematically and comprehensively evaluates and provides intervention for all underlying sensory and motor challenges that contribute to mealtime in order to build a customized treatment plan.
  • FOCUS practitioners use a whole-body approach to understand and provide intervention for sensory and motor limitations that are the core of many functional everyday skills, including mealtime participation.
  • FOCUS emphasizes addressing the root cause of eating-based challenges rather than focusing solely on the mouth.
  • Practitioners do not use the behavioral approaches and force-feeding techniques that are used in other programs.
  • Services provided at FOCUS can be used in conjunction with other professionals that support health and mealtime performance such as dieticians, psychologists, social workers, and speech and language pathologists.
  • FOCUS practitioners are compassionate, highly skilled, and deeply experienced professionals with a proven track record of mealtime successes. All staff are trained to recognize, evaluate, and treat all types of eating challenges in individuals with sensory and physical challenges.
Phone: 1.617.969.4410
Fax: 1.617.969.4412
Newton, MA 02458
74 Bridge Street